Enhancement, Interdisciplinarity, Personalization

  • The methodological and operational assistance is provided in an agile and non-invasive way: Sernet supports companies through a modus operandi that accompanies them in the change process in full respect of internal dynamics and enhancing existing experiences in order to leave know-how and growth in expertise and autonomy to the client.
  • Expertises are focused, the approach is interdisciplinary and integrated. In projects that involve different expertises, Sernet professionals distinguish themselves precisely because they act on their area of ​​expertise without losing sight of the ultimate goal of the intervention and the relationships between the different areas and all the key factors involved (holistic approach). Industry specificity, in-depth study together with interdisciplinarity, quick wins and long-term vision.
  • The adopted methodologies always refer to international best practices, looking for the personalization of the solutions and the involvement of the company management, with particular attention to the social responsibility of the company. Every company that undertakes with Sernet a complex project path (e.g. Reindustrialization and Active Relocation, Compliance and Risk Management, GDPR and ICT Security, Process Improvement and Cost Saving, etc.), can count on a team that will accompany it throughout the path through continuous interaction, comparison and sharing of decisions in order to guarantee the transmission of know-how and the growth of the personnel involved in the project.
  • Client loyalty is close to 100%. Thanks to the preparation and experience of our managers, to the credibility and the network of contacts and to the identification with the needs of its clients, Sernet boasts a high satisfaction and loyalty index of its clients.
  • Sernet is certified ISO 9001:2015 Quality, within which the standard requirements of excellence of the services offered that a Company must respect are defined. A further guarantee of the high level of management and advice from Sernet.