The environment with which companies and organizations interact can be neutral, positive, negative/hostile. Business Advocacy uses the leverage of relations with institutions, policy makers/administrative, business communities and civil society to create a favorable climate or mitigate a hostile climate on goals that may relate to licensing processes, social consensus and crisis management. Sernet operates on a win-win approach for which the final result must satisfy the widest possible audience of stakeholders with the customer.
In addition, through strong relations with diplomatic networks, institutions for internationalization, Italian and foreign chambers of commerce and corporations, Sernet supports companies in the development of new markets and channels.

Main Activies
- Construction and management of institutional and community consensus for the approval and implementation of projects in industry, environment and energy sectors;
- Mitigation of the hostile climate from institutions, trade unions and communities in restructuring and reindustrialization projects;
- Management of relations with the Government agencies for attracting investment and local government for the maximization of public funding;
- Promotion of territories through conferences and b2b and in collaboration with industry associations, chambers of commerce and foundations;
- Introduction and accreditation to Ministries, Regional and Municipal Government Agencies, large commercially-owned and private contracting stations in Italy and abroad;
- International development plans, business model by country, research and selection of partners for distribution and technical assistance, coordination of local professionals involved in the development plan;
- Search for buyers and commercial/industrial partners for technology transfer operations, M&A, with private equity funds, venture capital and more generally through a broad international business/financial community network.
Main Activies
- Construction and management of institutional and community consensus for the approval and implementation of projects in industry, environment and energy sectors;
- Mitigation of the hostile climate from institutions, trade unions and communities in restructuring and reindustrialization projects;
- Management of relations with the Government agencies for attracting investment and local government for the maximization of public funding;
- Promotion of territories through conferences and b2b and in collaboration with industry associations, chambers of commerce and foundations;
- Introduction and accreditation to Ministries, Regional and Municipal Government Agencies, large commercially-owned and private contracting stations in Italy and abroad;
- International development plans, business model by country, research and selection of partners for distribution and technical assistance, coordination of local professionals involved in the development plan;
- Search for buyers and commercial/industrial partners for technology transfer operations, M&A, with private equity funds, venture capital and more generally through a broad international business/financial community network.

The vast international network built and cultivated over time counts national and international institutions, diplomatic network, industry associations, standards bodies, business and financial communities, trade unions. The division employs an international team of proven and multidisciplinary professionals according to the project/dossier-country/market matrix. Sernet is on the register of stakeholders of the Chamber of Deputies, the Ministry of Economic Development and the European Union.